Note: For more pictures on the wedding, please click the Photo Gallery link on my right bar. What I’ve posted here is the best 33 pictures out of 500 pictures that I really love. The one uploaded on the slideshow is the next best 100 pictures that I like.
To begin, I was not the official photographer for my Nephew’s wedding. More of self invited only. Kekeke. Good thing tho as I can have my own sweet time to capture ‘moments’ and ‘details’ on the events and this is the best time for me to graps the new Tamron AF 28-75mm f2.8 lens that I just bought specially for this wedding too. Not to waste anymore time, here are the pictures:

Love the white blinds as it allowed plenty of sun to shine thru. This is Alvin, the bride’s Eldest Brother.

This is also one of my favourite, favourite, favourite pic.

Baby Princess took one of the postcard from the hotel. Without paying. ‘-.- I thought it was some sort of complimentary corporate holiday cards from the hotel as a token of appreciation, mana tau, postcard pulak. Potong stim. ‘-.-

Another shot of her that I love. Don’t be fooled by her innocent smile.

The ceremony (ROC) is about to begun.

Eldest Princess with her cousin. She had a better version of this shot on her PNS.

Niece – Crystal: Love the bokeh again.

During the swearing where the Registrar blurted, “Don’t hold hands yet.” and all of us burst into laughter. Look at the shying bride. Blushing man!

The million dollar question, “Do you agree to take this woman as your wedded wife?” “Yes, I do!”

The proud Mama aka my Eldest SIL

… and another one thousand hundred million dollar question, “Do you agree to take this man as your wedded husband, wash his underwear, cook for him, clean after him, spend all his money, etc…” (OK, I was just kidding. But the fact is true. *kekeke…)

Oh, man! If I was one of the audience, I would have weep the tears of joy too. I am the type that can’t watch soap operas. But that day was different. I was too busy taking pictures. I just wish she could weep longer! So the touching.

Initially the Bride was smart to turn away from the camera’s direction. I have to really squeezed myself between some potted plants at where I am standing.

Guess which hand belongs to the bride? No prize for the correct answer tho.

The Bride’s witness signing away at the dotted line.

This is also one of my favourite, favourite, favourite picture.

The official photographer at work. The funny thing is, he stands at where he is and I stand on the other end and never did once he came over my side for a shoot. Why ah? That makes me shy to walk over to his side too. So what you see is basically almost at the same spot i.e. next to the bride and he would have all his pictures took from the Bridegroom side. Crappy!

One happy family.

One of my favourite shots too. That way, the Grandfather doesn’t look so fat… sheesh…. 🙄

All the shots I took are mostly candid. Why? Because the official photographer was there. Duhh. And of course, I was kinda shy to ask the Couple to pose even though I have tones of idea running. Never the less, I still love the candid very much.

This is actually a group shot but I zoom all the way and frame at the Couple only. kekeke…

Makan time! This two years old niece can eat curry puff! I wonder how did the parents trained their kids as my 8 years old can’t even take anything with pepper on it.

By the time I open the food container, all I see is food crumbs. So sad and super hungry.

The Bridesmaid’s corsage. Also one of my favourite, favourite, favourite shots!

I stole this shot from far. kekeke…

In the evening during the tea ceremony, I tried several angle but they all don’t looks nice and all their movements are too fast. I gave up after a short while.

Was more than happy to be able to capture this moment. I tried capturing the teacup exchange but failed. Like I said, they are too fast for me. One of the reason is because I was too tired. Not drained energy but the camera is too heavy! They weight more than a tons after you put on the 28-75mm lens and external flash.

I am sure the photographer will thanks me for this shot. He better did!

The many fine details around the wedding banquet. I am glad I noticed their initial embossed on the wedding cake.

My nephew asked if I changed any battery during the event. Well, the camera body’s battery is very ‘tahan lasak’ (long lasting). But the flash battery…. I used up 8 pcs of rechargeable battery and 4 pcs of alkaline battery throughout the day. That is a lot! I think I will need to get more rechargeable battery as alkaline is too expensive.
My verdict? Overall, the Tamron AF 28-75mm f2.8 lens is good superb. It gave me more control compare to 50mm lens as most of the time, I will masuk longkang (falls in the drain). I don’t mean to say wide angle are good. They have their own specialty actually. I still love 50mm for portrait shots but wide angle is still better for covering events.
More pics in my Photo Gallery. Enjoy…