Short note: At the same time I received my completed Photobook, I received my FREE prints from EOE Online in 2 days time. That is very efficient of them! Thank you so much EOE Online. I will definitely choose to have my photo printed out with you in near future. ~ end ~
They isn’t the most beautiful of kids but thank goodness they are so cute during their toddler year! The package I bought one year ago from Photobook consist of 3 books – Large, Medium and small at a discounted price of RM380.00. I used up the large book for my trip to US and reserved the Medium for Baby Princess.

To begin, this is the front cover for the medium book as I wanted to compile a book for her from age zero to 3 years old since the two older kids have their own personal album too which I made for them with ‘scrap’ material instead of digital scrapbook (which of course is much nicer la).

Baby Princess was overwhelming when she saw the book. She even wrote her name on the back of the book cover. Luckily she was using pencil or else I will sure piak her.

She really know how to irritate us with this page as she keep on showing or telling everyone, “See, my Mummy carry me. I am so tired.” She said that line to almost everyone and we have to ask her to shaddup.

Medium book is the size of a A4 paper. Depending on your liking, I prefer my photographs to be as large as possible. Kiasu ma. I’ve seen layout from other bloggers. Some like the photographs to be small. It all up to individual as long you like what you are doing. No need to compete with people. Seriously! (Waitaminute. What type of English is this 😕 )

For pictures that I really like, I will blow them full page rather than put them in scrap as too much scrap can be very distracting too.

This medium size book took me about 2 weeks to finish as the first few days, I spend most of the time compiling and reorganized all the scrapbook images from the external hard disk and another few days to compiled photographs from the overloaded laptop computer. All along, I have been rushing to complete layout by layout. There is no time for me to think of the words that I wanted to put in there. Really regret 🙁

I have yet to talk about how unhelpful and stewpig less intelligent the staff is at Photobook. They have the suckiest people in there that misunderstood me all the time. To cut long story short, the Boss called me after many uneventful phone calls and he finally said this, “Don’t worry we all at Photobook know about your case now.” Isn’t that cool or what! I am so famous! 😕 I really told the Boss, “I was warned by other bloggers that you have the suckiest management. It was so true! If not because you print a good book, WE have long gone to Pixart!” While I was at their office to collect my books, the moment I mentioned my order number, that guy say, “You are Sxxx Jxxx. Ling Sxxx Jxxx, right?” And I go, “Oh, oh. Don’t tell me you are the Cxxxxxx (the boss).” See, I’m so famous until he can remember my chinese name and even pronounce them accurately. (Fyi, not many people can pronounce my chinese name correctly.) But it’s true la. Their printing is good and their price is cheaper than Pixart too. But you know what, that moment you hold the Photobook in your hand is like that very first moment your baby was delivered to this earth. All the hardwork, sweat and pain immediately vanished. You smiled from ear to ear admiring your ‘baby’. Flipping from page to page….. Eh, I talk too much right?

Next is the Small Imagewrap photobook. Remember I saying I have to rush thru to complete the layout for the photobook? I took 2 days to finished 64 layout. Amazing eh? The book cover is the same picture I used on the left (refer to above pix) except I have the year written 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007. Finally I settle with CNY and Christmas from year 2003 to 2007. That way, I can include members from my extended families.

As usual my Baby Princess love to make goofy faces. She goes, “Ho, Ho, HO!”

Now I was asking myself. Does anyone take a picture of their completed Photobook to put in a Photobook again? It was like putting a memory into a memory. Hmmm…
Prince was in the PJ he wore during CNY in 2005. Amazing that he still can fit in to his PJ’s after 4 years!

I purposely left that missing-button-hole on his PJ’s unedited. He no longer like the Superman’s wing but love the PJ to bits!
Most of the pictures from earlier years are shot using Sony T-10 camera. From 2007 onwards, I started to have better pictures 😉

One for the memory. We was at Canon Center to pick up my dSLR 2 days before Christmas in 2007.
There are still thousand of prints in my laptop. I am still contemplating if I should continue with the rest of the album like our many trips to Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands, etc. Will see about that on their (Photobook) next promotion. I better wrap up this post cos the more I type, the more lengthy it has become. LOL