I signed up for Superstar Libra Cruise way back in June when they are running their ‘Buy 1 Free 1’ campaign at RM2,240 for 2 adults. Since my Mom has been influence by relatives talking about Cruises for the past 2 years, I jump on this opportunity to bring my Parents for a holiday without my kids tagging along so that I do not have to juggle between being a filial daughter and a responsible Mom.

All these while, we have heard good and bad reviews about Cruises. I’m not taking side on any of them till I have my hands on it. Initially, my Mom wanted to try the big ship i.e. Superstar Virgo but the boarding has to be in Singapore which means that we will need to take a bus ride to Singapore and board the Cruise from there.

And since Mom has been poison many times by her relatives/friends, her mind is set on Superstar Virgo. If you must know, my Mom is the type that get car sick most of the time. I have to convince her a few times before she agrees on Libra.

View of the cabin right at the entrance
We took the 2nd best category room even thought they are slightly more expensive for the sake of comfort. I want my Parents to go home with sweet memories and not grudges. Still, the cabin is as big as a bird cage and the bed?

The width is as wide as the size of the pillow. How pathetic! Can you imagine what it is like in the lower category cabin? Don’t even get me started on the toilet. The attached bathroom is as wide as my shoulder width cos each time I shower, my elbow will brush against the shower curtain. *yikes. And the wash basin and the toilet bowl is all about the same. Good thing I have a petite size so it is not much problem to me.

The advantage of smaller cruise is that you do not have to walk too far to your destination.

Right after we dropped off our luggages in the cabin, we went to the highest deck that is deck 9th and 10th.

If you are the type that doesn’t play mahjong, doesn’t gamble in casino, doesn’t swim, doesn’t play board game, doesn’t like to join activities on board, doesn’t like to do anything and the only thing you want to do is eat and sleep, I would suggest you to stay home. Really!

My Dad is all of the above. All he does is eat, sleep, watch Wah Lai Toi and probably joined us for a little night show and walk around in the casino for 10 minutes. That’s all about it. Dad knows how to play mahjong but none of us that went, play mahjong. 🙁 . The only mahjong I play is on the internet.

Kids probably spent the whole day dipping in the pool. Now you know why I decided to cruise alone. Either I have to play ‘lifeguard’ to my kids or I would have neglect my Parents. I can’t say, “Ma, I bring you go holiday” but in the end when my Mom is there I go, “Ma, help me jaga my camera. I go take a dip with the kids.” Plus… plus hor, my ‘good friend’ came and visit me. Aiseh. Really cannot dip.

View at the 10th deck.

Cruise to some is heaven for food. If you are planning to go for Cruise, this is what you do. Don’t even bother to take your breakfast or lunch. If the boarding gate open at 12pm (cruise depart at 4pm only), go ahead and board the Cruise. From that minute, food are free flow. Eat all you can eat!

There are 3 restaurants for you to choose from – Oriental, Western or International buffet. Five meals a day and the only meal we skipped is the supper which starts at 11pm except on our last day where we went for the Wild Wild West party till late. Now you can see why I need to diet again.

Oh, before I forget, once you step on board, all transaction is by Singapore Dollar. The boarding card is basically used to swipe almost everything on board – entrance to your cabin, the restaurant, on board purchases and disembarkment.

Jazzmint reckon I took many sunrise/sunset pics throughout my 4 days on board. Sad to say, I managed to take once (only) on sunset and the sunrise next morning. Our meal time always clashes with the sunset and since I am not the morning person, I don’t even bother about sunrise.

On our first day, show starts at 7.15pm and the next show is at 9pm. Being the kiasu Malaysian, we went for the first show so that we do not have to join the crowd that comes in after their dinner. Which means some of us have to had our dinner at 6pm and whoever finish their meal can help us to book the seat at the lounge. Being the kiasu me (again! since I got no kids ma), I volunteer to leave the restaurant at 6.45pm. That is how I spotted the sunset. While the rest of my family members happily chomping food, I was happily snapping photos. And I don’t even care if we have to sit at the back of the hall during the show! I know I was so irresponsible but photography come first in this case. *ahem* I told myself I still have day 2 & 3 of sunset to shoot but sad to say there are always something that crop up.

By the time I finished taking pictures, one of my BIL is already at the lounge. haha! The shows is pretty entertaining. A bit of singing & dancing.

I learn a new thing from my youngest Sister this time. Fyi, both of is using Canon 400D. Auto mode for WB makes the stage pic looks crappy. We switched to ‘florescent’ and viola! Chun to max!

The last two performance is quite hilarious but contained a bit of 18SX. LOL Performance is by the cabin crews from various department. They are so talented!

A performance by Goldie from Philippines. He is really beautiful even in real life! You know what I mean. They are cabin crews during the days but turned into a stage performers during the night. Now, this Goldie and another guy was performing to this song from Christina Aguilera. The lyrics contained something ‘mirror’. It’s quite a famous number. The following pictures is quite obscene. Proceed at your own risk.

Now, Goldie sees another reflection in the mirror and is trying to challenge his reflection like taking off his clothes *ahem*, removing his bra *wolf whistle*, doing the break dance and they even do the cartwheel. So darn funny can die! To me it is hilarious but to my Mom, she finds it quite embarrassing especially when we have foreigners watching. Well, you know… low class performance. It take one humor to accept another. That’s all I can say.

It’s Goldie again in another performance. Look at that tummy. Beats mine anytime! If the one on the stage is me, you probably will be staring at a woman carrying a spare tyre dancing. All of them can dance very well. Very entertaining.

Every night at 9pm we never failed to sit in the lounge watching shows. Well, like I said before, you either stay in the cabin and bored yourself to death, or you find an entertainment on board and enjoy yourself.

Another performance to the song titled “Macho Man”. They are fully clothes and ah huh, they went topless again. It’s free show, so who cares! Unless if you don’t mind paying for the Topless Broadway show at SGD35. The performance is by the real Broadway dancers and not cabin crews.

On the way out of the lounge, Janet (youngest) wants to be part of the Macho Man *rolling eye*.

Julia (2nd Sis) follow suit.

Yours truly and Julie (5th Sis) cannot tahan ade. We all wants to be part of the Macho Man!

For the last 3 days everyday after shows we all gather at deck 10th. Just laying on the lazy chair, feel the breeze blowing. Heck, we almost forgotten we are on a moving ship until we look down at the sea! Seriously, we can’t feel anything at all. And once in a while, I love to gazed down looking at the wave created by the moving ship. It is so amazing. Sailing across the ocean, almost 22 hours everyday and still we felt nothing at all.

Everything that I did, it always reminds me of the kids at home. For example the Wii Game competition, I knew my Prince will love that. And all the art and craft, the hip hop dancing workshop, etc. I vowed to myself, in 5 years time, I will have another trip with the kids. This time, it will be Superstar Virgo. And every night before I sleep, I’ll go thru all the beautiful pictures I took of other people’s children and the tears starts rolling down and I’ll cry myself to sleep.
Wah lau eh, not so serious la! LOL! This only happen on the first night as I couldn’t get any telecommunication signer. Miss the Daddy and kids so ma sob a bit lor. A bit only la. So big already still cry meh. Sot!
More to come after this post. Watch out for this space. Over and out.