Archive for October, 2006

Trick or Treating Night

(Warning: Overload with lotsa awesome pictures again.)

Points to Ponder: Ever wonder why on Halloween you have to go from door to door with your goodies bag shouting Tick Trick or Treat asking for sweets?

A small group of Hallomooners!

Children is divided into groups with names such as Pirates, Witches, Zombies, Mummies, Vampires and I can’t remember the other 2 groups.

One of the group.


The Witches. Tried to get them to do some roaring post. In return they gave me the peace sign *haiz… Sometimes girls is so sissy. That’s eldest princess standing first from your left. Handmade robe with velvet hat and pumpkin stitching. psst… she’s wearing my black dress too. lol. Thank goodness it was a spagetti strap dress. I just knob it and violaaaa.

Pirates of the Carribean

Adult: Hey, kiddo, wanna fight? I’ve got hook. What you have?

Prince: Huh, you gotta kidding me?

Prince: I’ve got gun and now I stole your hook. muahaaahaaa….

Adult: Oh, sucks! I lost πŸ™

And we have Geisha, Fairies and Dracular too.

Yes! He’s a dracular. Chis, not scarry also. Wait till you see this.


Time for trick or teat treat around the neighbourhood. Instead of shouting trick or treat, we sing this…

(sing to the tune of Rain, rain go away. What? You dunno the song? tsk… tsk…) It’s Halloween, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.

Did you notice a orange and black balloon on the gate? Those are the neighbours who is participating in the Trick or Treating session. We don’t simply go and ring everybody’s door bell and shout TRICK or TREAT. I think it’s a good way to indicate the participant?

Fat Chubby Boy Doremon was in shock.

Lack of disipline Hallomooners!!! They just push each other and grab hands full of sweets. Some goes for 2nd helping.

“Don’t come any nearer or I shall kill you!!!”

Hallomooners was given priority of safe road all the time.

You know how crazy is drivers on Malaysian road. We don’t want to see one of the bloody Vampire under the Mat Rempit wheel.

The whole night we was out trick or treating around the neighbourhood. We get the same goodies.

Pirate of the carribean: Aw! Not again. JELLY!!!

The Witch: This bag is too heavy!!!

Jojo the clown: Opie (as in “open” the sweets)

Oh, talking about Jo-jo the clown. That’s Baby Princess. πŸ™ Forgot to take her pic. But I’ve got one shot of her in a group photo.

“Sorry, we are out of sweets. But I’ve got a orange and celery. Who want?”

That’s all for the night of Trick or Treating. We missed the costume parade but seeing other kids with even cooler costume, I don’t think we’ll win anything. And since this is an outdoor activity we’ll give the pinala a missed πŸ™ It’s just impossible to hit a pinala at the basketball court.

Currently we are intoxicated by sucrose and the kids has turn out hyperactive over the weekend!!!

This is a mountain high of sweetssss!!! Thank goodness I don’t have sweet tooth.

17 Hijackers

Munching on a Healthy Diet

What is usually on your mind when you have a sudden craving to munch something in between meals or on the move, let say while travelling in the car? I’ll go for Tong Garden roasted almonds. If you think they are just for satisfying your craving, you’re in for a surprise! These tasty nuts tidbits pack tons of essential nutrients in one very delicious package.

Almonds are the best whole food source of vitamin E, phosphorus and zinc. They also contain more magnesium than oatmeal or even spinach. (I hope Popeye is reading this!)

I used to munch on Snickers Almonds when I was expecting my 3rd child. The folic acid in almonds not only good for unborn child, it may help reduce the risk of cervical cancers and cardiovascular disease.

Other than munching on almonds, they tasted great when added to your cooking. My all time favourite recipes is stir Fried Rice with raisins and sprinkle some toasted almond flakes before serving. The toasted almond gave the fried rice a added crunch.

The nutrient fact and yummilicious taste offered by almonds is not only awesome, wait till you find out how great the Almond Abs diet is to help trim away that stuborn and flabby abdomen. The next time you had cravings for munchies, pick up a pack of almonds snack instead of MSG rich potato chips. Start a healthy life right away.
Note: Pictures source from Google.

6 Hijackers

Trick or Treat?

Last weekend we spotted this in Cold Storage.

Ee errr… so ugly face with droopy eyes. Why not scarry wan? I thought halloween is supposed to be scarry? Anyway, you put one cute stuff + one blogger + camera = CAMWHORING!!!!

There’s a guard watching us snapping and posing away. Prince is showing him the tongue. Wah lao. Baby was in her pram wriggling, to get loose.

See, so young already learn the art of modelling camwhoring. She’s holding a really small pumpkin with some flurry hair. Cute!

Wait till you spoted a really big and huge pumpkin. I’ve never see one so HUGEEEE in my whole life before. It’s so hugeeeee it makes my eye pop out when I see the price.

Wanna carve your own pumkin? Click here. This is my all time favourite Halloween link. Kids will love them.

My master piece!

Kinda lazy to carve a good ones. At least I don’t go like this.

-_- *ngek. Anyway, do have fun carving your halloween pumkin while I’m busy stitching the last piece of the kiddos costume. Princess is a witch from the land of Snow White, while prince wanna be Peter Pan. NO WAY!!!! Guy don’t look good in leotard and especially in GREEN!!!! I have yet to change his mind to be a pirate *sigh. Pirate is a MAN! Pirate fight! Oh yeah, Pirate captured Tinker Bell. Woot!!! I’ll let you guys into a surprise what I’m gonna be πŸ˜‰ .

9 Hijackers

I’m a Big Girl now, Mummy

After attending my Fifth Aunt and Sixth Aunt graduation, now is my turn to graduate. This is me in my graduation robe…

Sorry for the reflection on the picture cos Mummy took this pic from the actual photograph.

This is my class photo…


That sui jar boh is me. Me!!!!

18 Hijackers

While I was away…

It’s a long public holiday here in Malaysia. I’ll be away for a couple of days for holiday. More of like visiting relatives who stay in other States which is another three four hours drive down South (JB lah).

While I’m gone, you might want to read a few interesting stuff from my archieve. One of my all time favourite is White Water Rafting.

Hey I do write interesting stuff from time to time. You obviously don’t come here on your first visit and read only what is on the screen. Try to go thru my archieve before commenting that this is a boring blog. And I can tell you frankly that all entries here is chronicle of my daily life which is why the bloody uterus, icky zits and yummy wanton is all on the front page! Dem it! Check out the dates will ya?

Of course I can’t blame the angmoh if they think that those food I’ve posted makes them sick for days. Chao angmoh. CCB. Oh, chao angmoh is excluding SA. Don’t worry. I think SA is cool. He understand Manglish blog cos he has been eating chinese saliver for years now. ( πŸ˜‰ @ SA.)

I won’t be putting up any picture in this post as the chao angmoh thinks that I should save those icky and boring pic in my memory stick for good. On the other hand… hmmm… why not? I have tones of awesome pic and 3 great models.

This two already melt me heart, not sure about yours πŸ˜‰ . So I’ll continue with what I’m doing and still…. attach picture as and when I like!

Oh ya, today is also the final day of Princess school exams. I’ve got her graduation pic too. Will post them when I’m back from holiday.

Till then, you have fun browsing thru my blog but please, don’t hijack them while I’m away, k. Ciao….

p/s: Say hi to your mom for me. rofl….

12 Hijackers

In Conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya….

… I did not scout around Ramadhan Baazar :(. Instead, I went for Ramadhan Buka Puasa Buffet in Holiday Inn Subang.

Thank goodness they gave us a private room to share with 2 other family. I must remind you the nightmare eating with child under age 5.

The food? Gosh, don’t even mentioned. We make a wrong choice. We should go for the International Buffet instead.

We paid RM68 (excluding ++) per person and all we eat is this.

The love of my live *ngek :D. Tips on how to choose a fresh oyster: The flesh must be wet and juicy (*cough*) and not dry and shrink and stick to the shell.

A Drizzle of lemon juice, wasabi & pickle ginger. Emm…em….

Wishing all Muslimin & Muslimat (Male & Female) a

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri


Wishing all non Muslim…

Happy Horidayyyyyyyyyy. Yaba daba dooooooooooooo!!!

5 Hijackers

In Conjunction with the upcoming Deepavali…

… I decided to scout around Little India Street in Klang. I passed by the Street every Sunday on the way to church but never once scout around the street for fear of being nab by ah neh-neh (sheesh….). But over the weekend, the street has become so lively with crowds doing shopping for the coming Deepavali Festival.

Some random shots that I’ve taken with my NEW!!!! Sony T-10 which I’ve collage them. But I still prefer the full size view as some of the pics really look awesome.

Icky Food

According to my Indian collegue, those round round thing is very yummy and sweet. The origin is from native of Bangali. The only Indian biscuits I love is the muruku!

Silks & Clothings

Do you know that Punjabi suit is not cheap? A good quality fabric and a bit nicer design can cost you about RM80 (US$21) above. If you are planning to buy a Punjabi suit, do set a budget of Rm100. I tried to get one but failed $$$.

ooOO… look at this bare back sari blouse.

Definitely set the festive mood sexcited.

Fake jewelleries is everywhere.

Look at the beaming face on the little girl. Gosh, most little girls love accessories. I bet if Princess is with me, she will want to have one of those too.

Footside fortune teller is very famous during my younger days.

Can’t believe that they still exist now! Isn’t future is on your own palm and not on the parrot beak?

Weaving of Jasmine flower or Bunga Melur

It was meant to hang across the Hindu deity during prayer and also to beautify their hair after they have bun them.

… and a post usually end with something soothing and relaxing. Neh… not another massage. Indian massage can break your neck bone!

This is sooooooo Malaysian. A tired girl resting on a pile of clothings. We get this scene even in shopping malls. What can I say. Malaysia BOLEH!!!

Would like to extend my wishes to all Hindus readers –


and to non Hindus readers –

HAPPY HOOOLIDAYYYY. Yahoooooooooooo!!!

17 Hijackers

Penanghill (of course in Penang lah)

This post is overload with pictures. Proceed on your own risk. Following pictures is taken with Sony Ericsson W800i. You might want to check out Wikipedia on the history of Penang Hill.

Penang Hill is also known as Bukit Bendera (Flag Hill) in Malay. The hill is at an elevation of 833m (2,723ft) above sea level.

Walking or hiking up the hill takes about four hours but the most convenient way up to Penang Hill is by means of the funicular railway which takes about half an hour and the train may stop at intermediate stations upon request.

The tram is design to tilt according to the geographical of hills.

Passing thru the lush jungle greenery and greeted by the cooler climate of about 23°C.

In most funiculars railway, two trams at the end of a cable go alternately up and down on one track at the same time which splits and rejoins in the middle.

Both trams reaches the intersection at the same time to avoid… you know what. CRASHING!!!

Tunnel ahead

Lots of them infact. They all looks identical to me.

I seriously think that my mobile camera works better than my Olympus camera. How crappy.

Oh, before I forget, there is a transit half way up the hill. Why? Don’t ask me why.

Once we reach our destination, the first thing I felt when I embarked the trams is the cool weather. Something slightly better than my air-conditioning in the office.

Camwhore with the binoculous πŸ˜€ .

The magnificient birdview of Penang town.

There is nothing interesting to see/do beside taking pics up here.

On the way down hill, all the excitement has vanished.

So boring until can die lidat.

Amazingly all the pictures turn out awesome. I’m so worried that the pics will turn out crappy cos I’ve never trust a mobile phone for serious pictures.

The tram slant so much even the driver have to look up to us.

You may check out Penang Hotel for list of hotels around Penang.

13 Hijackers

Craft: Octopus

Pun of the day: I sold my soul to the devil for 2 bottles of whiskey and looking young forever.

I’ve been proscrastinating this morning and too lazy to update my blog or does anything. All I do is…. I … I do nothing 😐 . I’ll just throw in a craft. *sigh

Don’t tell me you need instruction for this? I hate craft. Craft is for babies and sissies! I’ve never get facinated by craft. Craft pieces always ended up in the waste paper basket. Don’t understand why some parent still love doing them.

Sorry.  I’m just talking grubbish (this word doesn’t exist in the dictionary.  It’s just me talking rubbish. *BLUEHHHHH*) . Blame it on the haze, Dear. It gets on my nerve and my mood.*sigh…

Heck! Don’t we all love craft???!!! Yes I do. (*cough* Have to show Eldest Princess a bit of support)

9 Hijackers

Wanton aka Water Dumpling


Minced pork & prawns (season with soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil and tapioca flour)
Wanton skin


Wrap seasoned pork in wanton skin.  Deep fried them in oil.  You may cook them in  anchovies soup too.  A quick and easy cooking!!!

Fried Version

Soup Version

If you are around Sitiawan town, a must to savour their pien nuek aka wanton aka water dumpling.  They have the best and cheapest pien nuek comparing to KL for example if you order wanton mee in KL, they serve only 3 miserable looking wanton.  Whereby in Sitiawan, their wantan mee (aka kampuang mien) came with a BIG bowl of 10 wantons!

10 Hijackers

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