July 30, 2013 at 2:39 pm
· Filed under Bento Mania

Decided to jump in the bandwagon and make a Despicable Me Bento for minion #2. Slice golden kiwi into half and cut out the rest of the details from nori sheets. On the left there are some zucchini with ham and far back, penne with crab sticks. Was running out of time this morning hence why the penne is in a little mess.
July 16, 2013 at 3:06 pm
· Filed under Bento Mania

I love cooking tau yu bak (pork belly simmer in soya sauce) with lots of hard boiled eggs in it. Sometimes I would throw in a couple of tofu or bean curd sheets, cooked them in a huge pot and we could have this for two meals. This dish came in handy too for my Little Man’s bento. As his lunch is at 12noon, I would make sure that his pack food contains liquid so that they don’t get cold easily.
Incase you are wondering, the look-alike car is a hard boiled egg that has been cut into half. That way I get two looking car since the imprint is double sided. Far back is white rice sprinkle with some furikake. This is dish my Little Man’s favourite #happy!
July 10, 2013 at 9:13 am
· Filed under Bento Mania

When I finished putting up this bento for my youngest, I thought to myself, “Now, this is quite plain”. But it took me about 15mins to put them (the ladybird and mushroom) together! It would take me longer if I have not cut up the nori for the ladybird the night before. Yes, lots of hard work but the looks on my youngest’s is priceless!
Food consist of fried noodles. There’s some omelette, meat balls and cabbage hidden at the bottom of noodles. Don’t want them visible as it create distraction to the presentation. Yellow ladybird is hard boiled egg decorated with cut up nori sheet. Mushroom is cheddar cheese, carrot spot and facial consist of punch out nori sheets. On the other hand, bought this new bento box from my recent trip to Osaka. It came with a set of cutleries and a matching hankie. So lovin’ it!
July 5, 2013 at 12:06 pm
· Filed under Confession of a Foodie

This is the most irresistible chocolate biscuit! And also because I am a caramel lover *lick fingers* . They say the best Arnott’s Tim Tam came from Australia cos their chocolate is richer. Don’t know how true it is but I always get my supply from a dear friend of mine, Ian, whenever he drop by Kuala Lumpur from Perth. Gotta love that man.