Archive for August, 2010

Ikea Lamp Shade

I’ve managed to picked up this Ikea lamp shade NOT at the table lamps department but at their bargain corner.  You know how prices there usually slashed at 30% to 50% off. This is a conversation with my 10 years old daughter, Kharsyn when she saw the lamp shade:

K – This is so pretty!  I want this too!

M – Ok, you can have it.

K – Errr… I think I better not take it.  I know you are going to buy a prettier one if I take this.

O.o asif I am going to buy another table lamp!

1 Hijacker Only?

UGG Boots

During my trip to Beijing, I bought my first pair of ugg boots.  You know how they say to never wear a new pair of shoe for your vacation as they will hurt your feet?  I never had that problem with UGG boots.  They are so comfy and keep my feet warm all the time.

Sad to say, I can’t wear the boots in my country as we had Summer all year round.  So, the boots will have to go in storage till my next vacation and it has to be somewhere cold.

No Hijack

… of Bubble Gum and Peanut Butter

This conversation happened between my 5 years old daughter, Kharlette and me.

K – Mummy, see?

Me – OMG!  What happen!  How did the bubble gum get to your pants?! (picking up gum with my fingers)

K – Mummy, the TV say use peanut butter.

Me – Urgh!

Apparently, the little rascal picked that up from Astro TV IQ and trying to experimented it herself. This is what we called, “Monkey see, monkey do.”  Very dangerous girl indeed.  Who knows what she is going to do with the box cutter knife after watching MacGyver?  Oh, oh!  Must not let her watch Superman too!

1 Hijacker Only?

Baby Samantha @ 2 months old

Before I start with my rambling, first and foremost, YES!  I AM BACK!!!!


Secondly (LOL), I know it’s been a while and many was wondering why I’ve stopped blogging.  The truth is, I have never stop blogging.  Blogging takes up a lot of time especially when I have to drained a lot of juices from my brain for words.  With Facebook, things got even simpler.  The picture speaks for itself and save me so much trouble to think of something to say even though I have nothing much to crap.  Another thing was, whatever pictures I’ve uploaded in Facebook will eventually be  blogged later of the day.  So it is like doing double work.  When I sat down and think about it, I feel bad that some of you have to look/read  things twice.  In one word, all the above summed up to LAZINESS!

Thirdly, I am still very much addicted to Twilight Fanfiction.  They are like my personal bedtime stories.  If you are much a vivid reader like me, you will know it is very difficult to put down a good book.  In one word, it means FAVOURITISM!

Lastly, I think soon I will have to change my nickname from HijackQueen to MafiaQueen. After getting addicted then bored with Farmville, I started playing Mafia Wars on Facebook.  Boy oh boy, it involved so much killings, so many bashings, so my type of game, ok!  So busy can die liddat even no time to enjoy the new LCD TV . In one word, who like to do boring stuff?

So, to summed up  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = I am happy to be back even though I am still lazy to blog but at night can catch up Rob Pattinson in my dream even though the finger now very itching to check out Mafia.  There!  Told you so,  blogging is just like talking crap.  Muahahahaa!

Let’s put a side all the crap and continue where I left the other time.

Right!  I was talking about my newest niece, Samantha.  It is not my position to elaborate on her sickness (psst.. she is just lying!  Lazy say lazy la) but I do mentioned here and there as to what happen to Samantha in Facebook.  After Samantha returned home from her Mummy’s confinement period, I did a simple yet impromptu photoshoot for her.

You get to see more from my Facebook.

2 Hijackers