Archive for Joy of Parenthood

If stretch marks were brains, I’d be freakin’ genius!

Why??!! Why it has to be me? (Fyi, I’m not Oops!-I-did-it-again. Touch wood!) Before I was pregnant, I have this silky and smooth skin on my body. Weighing only 40kg. Pregnancy definitely ruined everything :(.

Imagine if you put on average of 2kg for 9 whole month and by your 40weeks you weight 60kg, the skin on your tummy has already stretchhhhhhh 20 times of it’s originate state. And when it stretches that big, our skin gets thinner and thinner and instead of exploded (kaboom!!!) and all your intestines, baby, womb all splattered on the floor, your body instinct tells your skin to split into small silvery line which is costing damages on the elastic fibres that help skin stretch.

Many women uses various types of creme, lotions, and oils to try to prevent stretch marks from forming. Unfortunately, while such products soothe and soften the skin, there is no medical evidence to prove that they actually work! So beware of advertisers trying to sell you expensive products claiming that they prevent stretch marks! Some women will think that that particular brand of lotion they use is not effective. It’s wrong. Whether you get them or not is simply a matter of genetics… that is, how elastic your skin is. There’s nothing you can do. I used 6 tubes of lotion and by my 3rd trimester….. it turned out pretty…. (go filled in the blank yourself)

This is how it looks like at 30 weeks.

I heard you guys! It’s dem aweful ugly right. This is one of a big sacrifice of motherhood and I haven’t come to other parts of body like thigh or breast.

The saddest part is looking at celebrities or even my girlfriends posing in their 2 pieces bikini. Envy! Envy! and each time when I look at Britney, I’d go “Why? Why it has to be me??!!” 🙁

14 Hijackers

What does signboard mean to kids

Carlgene was all excited when we announced that we are going to take a ride in the train as he’s been asking to go on one each time he sees the LRT or KTM without fail and it’s all empty promises from us. We does feel bad about the white lie and we know we won’t be taking one cos we are not that type that depend on public transport.

Over the weekend, we just hop on the train and headed to Subang Jaya for lunch and back to Klang again. Since this is the first time for Carlgene, he’s been acting very curious and pinned to his seat gazing out the window thru out the journey. There are sure lots to see out there. The passing view was magnificient! All the kampung houses, murky rivers, industrial area…. He hasn’t move a bit from his window seat at all as I would expect him to move around in the moving train (*phew…).

Mummy: You see that sign up there? It says that you are not allowed to smoke in the cabin.
Kharsyn: *Nodded*

Kharsyn: So the 2nd one says we are not allowed to drink fizzy drinks and eat hamburger in the cabin?

Mummy: Errr… I know all foods are not allowed. But, drinks ah….

Mummy: I think drink from the bottol can gua.

Kharsyn: Then I want a sip too.

Kharsyn: Then the 3rd sign say cannot stand and throw rubbish issit?

Mummy: What makes you say that?

Kharsyn: Cos that aunty left the sweet wrapper on her chair.


3 Hijackers

Birthdays Are Meant for Mothers

Do you agree that once you enter Motherhood, your thinking will be more matured than before? Fyi, this is a trackback after reading Kennysia Kimmysia’s blog. Not surprise if he has never thought about this.

Somehow, during every of my kids birthday, I’ll just sit back and refresh the moment of labour bringing my kids to this world. It is full of challenge and every challenge has it’s own obstacle. Only a mother know what it is like – the pain and the joy.

I told Kharsyn on her 3rd birthday, “Do you know that on this day around this hour, mummy brings you to this world?” She just smile. I know she won’t understand what I’m trying to tell her. Time will tell. (dem! I’m going to be a grandma!!!)

Tell you a secret: I’ll boil the pig’s stomach soup on their birthday to reward myself. I know I won’t get any presents. But gawd dammit knows that this poor belly of mine has stretch like a balloon and need some pampering and nourishing. And if stretch marks are brains, I’ll be freaking genius! (Can this be the best quote too?)

Maybe this birthday of mine, I’ll do that (boil the soup) for my mom (co-incident I’m going back on that day).

I’ll share with you (especially man!) another incident took place on Mother’s Day. As you know I just came home from my White Water Rafting trip and that morning busy like a bees washing and cleaning. I was outside the house hanging the washing when I overheard hubby asking the eldest if she wishes me “Happy Mother’s Day”. Spontanously I answer from the porch, “No need! If you want, come and help me with the hanging.” You won’t be surprise if any of them even volunter. Expected!!!

2 Hijackers

KLIA Limo satu!

Daddy usually take the earliest flight to East but this time is different. Since his flight is at 10am, the KLIA Limo will pick him up at 7.30am from home. Anyway, he thought it might be a good experience for kids to go to school in the LIMO! And boy of boy. You should see Carlgene grining from ear to ear as he step in the Limo. He’s a car lover if you must know.

Btw, Daddy just came home from East yesterday night and which means this morning will be the usual routine for Daddy. Sending the kids to school again. And guess what?

In the morning, Carlgene refuse to go in to Daddy’s car and insist to wait for the Limo to come. *eek. It’s a horror when Carlgene throw his tantrum. I dare not imagine. Looks like today gonna be another longgggggg day of lecture reasoning with him. *sigh…

5 Hijackers

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