What does signboard mean to kids

Carlgene was all excited when we announced that we are going to take a ride in the train as he’s been asking to go on one each time he sees the LRT or KTM without fail and it’s all empty promises from us. We does feel bad about the white lie and we know we won’t be taking one cos we are not that type that depend on public transport.

Over the weekend, we just hop on the train and headed to Subang Jaya for lunch and back to Klang again. Since this is the first time for Carlgene, he’s been acting very curious and pinned to his seat gazing out the window thru out the journey. There are sure lots to see out there. The passing view was magnificient! All the kampung houses, murky rivers, industrial area…. He hasn’t move a bit from his window seat at all as I would expect him to move around in the moving train (*phew…).

Mummy: You see that sign up there? It says that you are not allowed to smoke in the cabin.
Kharsyn: *Nodded*

Kharsyn: So the 2nd one says we are not allowed to drink fizzy drinks and eat hamburger in the cabin?

Mummy: Errr… I know all foods are not allowed. But, drinks ah….

Mummy: I think drink from the bottol can gua.

Kharsyn: Then I want a sip too.

Kharsyn: Then the 3rd sign say cannot stand and throw rubbish issit?

Mummy: What makes you say that?

Kharsyn: Cos that aunty left the sweet wrapper on her chair.


3 Hijackers »

  1. oddfather said,

    May 29, 2006 @ 4:41 pm

    didnt say cannot puke, rite?? ;p

  2. jean said,

    May 29, 2006 @ 10:35 pm

    Your kids are so cute,and they just say the “right” things! 🙂 Can’t wait to meet them!

  3. Allan said,

    May 31, 2006 @ 1:51 pm

    New generation kids really can said something unpredictable,hahaha cute answer they have..Well done.

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