Pre-Birthday Wish

The Little Munchkin is turning 6 and out of the blue, she asked, “I wanna sit on tu-tu train.” So we granted her the wish and went for a train ride.  And I recalled when Jie-Jie was her age, we went on a train ride too.  Good thing I blogged about it!  And viola, just punch in “KTM” as the keyword on the search engine and Google pulled up my old post. Easy job right 😉

Left:  Jie-Jie (then 6y/o) with Di-Di (then 4y/o) Right:  Mei-Mei (now 6y/o) with Kor-Kor (now 8.5y/o).

Another significant is the dress the girls are wearing.

1 Hijacker Only? »

  1. jazzmint said,

    March 30, 2011 @ 11:09 pm

    wah piang why same same pose LOL

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