Grandma’s Birthday cum Pangkor Island Trip

After meeting up with Chiwiland, we went to Pangkor Island. That is where my Mom’s hometown is and where my maternal Grandma is residing after she got married to my late Grandpa. Fyi, Grandma is a Penang lang.

Tip: If you plan to go Pangkor Island, remember this. At the Lumut jetty, ferry operator is selling the tickets at Rm10 for tourists and RM6 for Pangkorists.

Not many people know about it. More like a hush-hush thingy among authorities, but my Mom warned us beforehand that we should pay for the tickets at RM6. I mean, we are still a locals and these people hike up the price to earn from tourist. So, what happened was…. my Mom went and bought the ticket.

“Sepuluh ringgit.”


Of course, the ticket seller was caught by surprise and was dumbfolded. πŸ˜€

We made a stop at my Grandma’s house. As usual, my aunt had prepared a big pot of asam laksa. That was our favourite! Maklumlah, ikan kembung (mackeral fish) originate from Pangkor. And… and… do I have to add? Aunt uses the traditional way to cook the stock, i.e. by using charcoal and clay pot! Syok 99!

During our younger days, we used to stay over night at my Grandma’s house. Nowadays, you know… our family members have multiplied by 4. There is no way to accomodate so many of us plusssssssssssss I CAN’T SLEEP WITHOUT AIRCON!

Off we went and checked in at the hotel near the beach. Woohoo! Suaku city people like me love bitches beaches.

I have sea phobia; sudden drop + big wave + swept by wave + drowning. It all happened again when we recklessly assumed one of us is watching the kids. I’m sorry baby. But when unexpected things happen, please don’t blame the other to make yourself look innocent. Ok? But, didn’t I tell you to play at the beach and not in the water???!!! Huh! Huh!

We had fun digging a hole and burying Baby Princess in it. At the beginning, she was smiling and laughing with us. After sometime of wiggling, she found out that she can’t move any of her body part. She was wailing for help. All we could do is continue laughing and mummy is so bad to camwhore with her. lol

Beach isn’t complete without going for a stroll for seashells. And I stumble upon this right before my big toe.

I have seen and picked star fish but not this type of seashell with an engraved star on it. Overall, we found 4 of this. Isn’t God creation marvellous?

I waited whole afternoon……

… where art thou?

By the time I finish writing this post, it turn out more than “Pangkor Island Trip cum Grandma’s Birthday”. lol

So, Grandma is turning 93y/o this year. Still going healthy and strong.

Typical chinese with typical red eggs.

Dinner so-so only. Nothing much to show off but I’m sure this is attractive!

Mantis prawn in steam egg. The taste? Really nothing to shout about. This is not my usual food angle. They look a bit crappy to me. What to do? I’m sharing a table with my other cousins and they can’t wait to dig into this dish.

The whole night I have been bribing my kids with this,

“Who did not finish the rice, tomorrow cannot sit fast-fast boat.”

“Who is naughty, tomorrow cannot sit fast-fast boat.”

“Time to sleep. Don’t talk. If not tomorrow cannot sit fast-fast boat.”

So, be good ya? Tomorrow I bring you go sit fast-fast boat πŸ˜‰

20 Hijackers »

  1. WendYeoh said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 1:06 pm

    And now you’re telling me…???!!! I’ve been paying RM10 all these while!!! Demmm…. Do you know how much I can spend on food with the extra RM4 in Sitiawan/Pangkor??? :p

    The Queen says:Β  errr… still not late hor.Β  How come your mom also dunno leh.Β 

  2. Allan(my blog 80% done) said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 4:12 pm

    Wah~~ i also dont dare to cover myself with sand,bcos my friends is too dangerous hahah~

    The photo that kharlette playin water very cute wor!!! kawaiii

  3. Blur Mommy said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 4:25 pm

    Aiyo.. Poor baby princess!!! so cham!! wah, nowadays the ferry so colorful ar?

  4. sasha said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 4:44 pm

    i saw someone familiar besides u there. Hi there Julie!

  5. pelf said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 5:44 pm

    Aww.. It’s been ages since I’ve been to Pangkor!! πŸ™‚

  6. day-dreamer said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 6:25 pm

    Long time no go to the beach… Hmm… must go there soon.

    I am a good girl. Do I get to sit fast fast boat? πŸ˜€

  7. Leah said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 6:36 pm

    Pangkor Island, went there 20 years ago with the school tour. It took a LONG time almost like eternity to reach Lumut fr Melaka pre north south highway. Dun remember got fast fast boat …:-)

    **Not DUMC.:-)

  8. jazzmint said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 7:55 pm

    wah wah…itu mantis prawn looks nice leh..sure not nice ah hahaha…..

    poor baby, kena bury by notty mommy πŸ˜›

  9. sila said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 9:36 pm

    10 ringgit for the ferry to Pangkor!! wah cekik darah! RM6 oso expensive. i don’t remember it being more than 3-4 ringgit back in school. otherwise we schoolkids where got money to go to Pangkor? ishhhhh.

    but happy birthday grandma! love the pictures! πŸ™‚

  10. George said,

    June 28, 2007 @ 9:41 pm

    why ni story on the dive experience! come on tell us lo!

  11. Bernard said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 12:06 am

    Uahh.. look at the foooodddd! Anymore food?

    err.. ok lah.. just kidding la. The seaside action looks really fun! Kesian baby for being bullied by mummy.

  12. Vien said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 2:50 am

    Aiyo, poor baby girl. Now mommy will be blamed for starting her sand phobia. πŸ˜† 6 ringgit for the ride, eh? I’ve gotta remember that.

  13. LB said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 6:18 am

    Italians love the mantis shrimps! Over here, they are grilled, and absolutely delicious with some lemon!

  14. Hijack Queen » Blogger’s Meet: Visiting Chiwiland said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 10:26 am

    […] “Be good girl and good boy, ok? Tomorrow I bring you go Pangkor Island. Sit fast-fast boat.” […]

  15. Giddy Tiger said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 11:29 am

    I love the pretty little seashell!

  16. fishingman said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 11:56 am

    Wah! Looks like a splashing good time in Pangkor. Was just there last month for 3 day camp. Dem I paid RM10 for the ticket, but now I know not to take the Duta ferry coz dem slow and smelly, take the Mesra ferry coz got ‘outdoor’ to enjoy the seabreeze.
    Btw the shell is a sand dollar. Used to be found in Teluk Batik as well.

  17. eve said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 12:39 pm

    Never been to Pangkor..err…beach mia place , we oni go out at sun ma…kakkakakkaka…

  18. may said,

    June 29, 2007 @ 7:18 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday to your Grandma! love the effects you have for your photos. especially the red egg, so ONG!

  19. Hijack Queen » Fast-fast boat in Pangkor Island said,

    July 2, 2007 @ 2:18 pm

    […] Read Day 1 in Pangkor Island here […]

  20. Simple American said,

    July 3, 2007 @ 5:12 am

    Poor little Princess got buried. At least you don’t put a bucket on her head and bang bang bang. Bad memories of my youth.

    Nice to go visit your grandma and see all of those sfamily members. πŸ™‚

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