Religious and Faithfulness

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Just don’t say you are Christian….. but act like a Christian – Dana Neo (my niece)

This morning when I logged in to my MSN (any blogger wanna add me?) saw my niece putting up that message. She’s a born Christian but both her parents are convert Christian and a very holy type. That message is not directed to me (she better don’t!!!) but I felt ashame of myself.

Sometimes I just wonder, as a Christian, is it compulsory for us to attend Sunday Service? Will God punish us for not attending mass yet claim and acted like we are Christian? I am one of them. I don’t attend mass except on Christmas morning and occasionally. I used to tell 5th sis (faithful follower), “I don’t mind whatever ppl say, I’m not even baptised yet” and so she thinks it’s just a excuse (again!).

How many of you pray before you eat? I does that all the time during lunch but always forgot to pray during dinner. A bit crazy huh. Sadly to say I don’t have the habit to pray any other time. My Question again, “Is it compulsory for Christian to pray?”

Few weeks ago, I tagged along my 5th sister to a pot luck organized by their Care Groups. I know I have to prepare a few excuses when the questions pop up like “How come I never see you in church before?” “Which Care Group you are in?”. Bingo!!! So I play tai chi (turn and twisting) with them again. wakakakaa…

But as a parent, I held my responsibility to see that my childrens had the same religious education brought to them as what I’ve received during my younger days. I encouraged them all the way and even attended Sunday school together with them as part of the excuses compensation. (See, I attended mass wat) At least I think I’ve done a good part being a Christian and a role as a mother.

On the other had, I’m proud that I’ve brought up Princess better than I was. She reads her Bible every night without failed and all I have reached is Genesis and now the Bible is collecting dusts. Heck, I love childrens’ Bible!!! At least the fonts are larger and came with colourful picture illustrations.

Quite a straight forward statement. Anyway, so long never get flaming liao. I am prepared for some today. Just remember to pray after you flame me. Yeah?

11 Hijackers »

  1. pablopabla said,

    August 4, 2006 @ 12:11 pm

    Hi Hijackqueen! I strongly recommend that you read The Purpose Driven Life (by Rick Warren) if you have not done so.

    Earnestly seek to know your Father in heaven and He will give you the answers you have been asking above 🙂

    Just like your relationship with your children, our relationship with our Father in heaven is the same. We must constantly communicate with Him (through prayers) and seek to please Him and do things which He approves of. He knows what is best for us.

    The Queen says:  I have that book sitting on my desk after Chapter 1.  Will let you know what I finalised at the end of …. Chapter 1. 

  2. pablopabla said,

    August 4, 2006 @ 12:11 pm

    How do I add you to msn??

  3. eYe said,

    August 4, 2006 @ 12:56 pm

    Does it mean ur a very faithful person if you frequent the church or temple everyday?
    Does it mean that you’re a good person if you pray or read ur bible everynite?
    All these are just part of the rules in any religions. The truth is, good or bad comes from ur heart.

    I alwaz believe that regardless of what is ur religion, one just haf to be sincere and truthful to oneself and never do harm to others.
    Just follow what you thinks is right. 😉

    P/S: So, does it mean that if you goes to the church everyday and pray everynite, you can simply go harm ppl and ur still a good person? haha..

    The Queen says: It’s easy for some to say but I tell you ah…. in Christian they are lidat wan. Once they started to open mouth, I better run away far far. They can go on and on and on. But sometimes what they say make sense la. But if they dunno how to answer you, they will start refering to bible verses. (I shouldn’t be saying this anyway. Ouch!)

    Anyway, I still love my God!  Then they will say, “if you are a christian, act like a christian”.  See! back to square one again. 

  4. Fishingman said,

    August 4, 2006 @ 4:37 pm

    All I want to say is in the end it’s between you and God.
    As for me I want to hear HIM say to me “well done good and faithfull servant”.
    Me still struggling to be a good Christian, it’s really not easy to turn the other cheek man.

  5. Julie said,

    August 4, 2006 @ 11:47 pm

    So when will you follow me to church and attend my CG?

  6. Purple D said,

    August 5, 2006 @ 12:02 am

    I personally think that if you are going to engage in a belief system in which your actions/behavior play a part in potraying to non-believers of that belief system, you better do it right. End of day, be who you are and not claim to be something you’re not. No point living your life pleasing everyone else but yourself.

  7. phil said,

    August 5, 2006 @ 1:20 pm

    I’ve not “eaten more rice than you have eaten salt”. As the saying goes, I may not be capable to guide an older person but I still intent to share my thoughts and experiences and lessons learned. I think it is very important not to blindly follow the norm (follow a faith teaching, get married, work hard to raise children, and pass on). Yet, living life conforming to the norm or rather similarly is inevitable. Somehow or rather life is somewhat similar if everyone’s taken into comparison. But the question is “how are we going to live our life?” Is the journey going to be meaningful, beneficial and enjoyable? I believe in making full use of our time while we still have to impact others and bless our neighbours. Speaking of Christianity, it is not merely a religion. It is like Fishingman said, between you and God. It is about a relationship, eternal one. If you belief in God and love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, would you not wanna run to His house and worship Him in Church where His “body” meets?

  8. pablopabla said,

    August 7, 2006 @ 9:25 am

    Government encourage reading habit. So pick up the book and start reading! It will change your life – if you apply it in your life!

  9. pablopabla said,

    August 7, 2006 @ 9:25 am

    Alternatively, you can join our small group (care group / cell group) meetings every Fri night. We are exploring the book.

  10. kamkuey said,

    August 8, 2006 @ 9:16 pm

    *ahem* No one is ‘born a Christian’
    You have to accept HIM..

  11. oddfather said,

    August 14, 2006 @ 10:06 pm

    Time for recommitment…… friend.

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