UPM 30th Convocation
Getting ready for my youngest sister’s big day i.e. her convocation. Got this for her.
Roses all the way from Cameron Highlands and a cute little bear. We sent them to the florist to tie into a bouquet. Unfortunately was turned down by the florist. Her excuse was the bear doesn’t have support. Nah, see this *CENTRE finger for her*. I know it can be done but we do not have the proper tools. Anyway, it’s DIY time. We took 1 hour to get this result.
See, it is not that difficult after all. All we need is some common sense and skills 😉
The final process of putting up the coloured papers was a bit difficult. I keep telling myself, we do not have to get the prefect result, as long as we get the end result. A bouquet is a bouquet after all.

This! will cost us RM180 from the florist. We spent less than RM50 to get this.
Beside this bouquet and another daisy bouquet, we bought 10 octopus balloons at RM3.50 each.
Do we look like balloons seller? There are peoples who actually approached us and we sold 3 octopus for RM6 each!!! hahaa… not what we plan for but making profit out of the blue really is a fun thing. We giggle and joke too much about it.
This! Is the girl on her big day. ooppss…. she’s not paying attention.
One more shot.
This is the girl. Graduated into the working world and is still the pet in my family.
And this…. are the GIRLS in the family.
We are so proud of her and so do our parents. And it’s drizzling *grrr….
Quote: Graduates who cannot secure a job after graduation is because of their attitude – not willing to work hard, too dependent, complain tremendously, impolite and worst, never realise their attitude problem – by Ms Ling, MMU Lecturer
Justin said,
July 31, 2006 @ 2:43 pm
congratz ur sis =) lol..no money can borrow along..hiakZ
athena said,
July 31, 2006 @ 4:09 pm
congratulations to your sis!!!
and i like the reselling the balloons bits..hahaha..dun let opportunity pass ya by!! 🙂
JC said,
July 31, 2006 @ 5:29 pm
Congrats to the pirate sibling.
Queen, can open flower shop liao. Chris can supply you the raw materials.. 🙂
The Queen says: Want to place order for next valentine’s? 😉
kenJJ said,
July 31, 2006 @ 8:14 pm
Wow, that’s sweet! 😀
Janet said,
July 31, 2006 @ 9:57 pm
😀 I dun’t even know I have 3 octopus balloon. When the balloon got to my hand, it have become ortupus without leg and ortupus without body
The Queen says: What to do. Keep on bursting.
MLNS said,
August 1, 2006 @ 9:14 am
Very nice DIY bouquet, some more save money wor.Congrates, Queen’s sis (or shd we call her Princess)
The Queen says: Definitely save $$$. The Queen’s daughter is Princess so what shall we called the queen’s sister? Hm….
ghostie said,
August 1, 2006 @ 1:23 pm
after going through the misery of being ‘pok kai’ in the purse, wah……… her majesty sudah pandai buat money….
The Queen says: What to do. Cheapskates ppl lidat wan.
Pam said,
August 2, 2006 @ 11:49 pm
Queen:that’s a pretty hand made bouquet.
The Queen says: 🙂 If not beautiful I won’t publish here. haha
Lil said,
August 7, 2006 @ 11:29 pm
all the sisters in the family even prettier!
sila said,
August 9, 2006 @ 5:10 am
i agree with lil – all you sisters very pretty.. all look very young also..
Hijack Queen » Why it must be Chinese School said,
August 17, 2006 @ 11:47 am
[…] Both my parents are chinese school teachers. During my younger days when my eldest sister started standard one (7 y/o), dad insisted that all his children will get a English/Malay education and since they are teachers teaching in chinese school, mom will tutor us Mandarin at home. As saying goes, “It is easier to say than done.” Somehow for God-knows-what-happen they can’t fullfilled their promised. This was told to us by my mom. She regreted every bits of it. Out of the norm, she decided to enrolled my youngest sister in chinese school. At least there are a member in the family that can read chinese and my mom was afraid of some idoitic poker that will look down on them and it is such a shame how a chinese school teacher’s children doesn’t read chinese. […]
Hijack Queen » I’m a Big Girl now, Mummy said,
October 26, 2006 @ 10:17 am
[…] After attending my Fifth Aunt and Sixth Aunt graduation, now is my turn to graduate. This is me in my graduation robe… […]
Hilter said,
April 24, 2008 @ 4:26 pm
Can i discuss with you about English tuition? we are looking forward to set up a learning system for primary students.
jiawei said,
June 30, 2008 @ 11:13 pm
I am looking around for the graduation bear bouquet and found yours. That bouquet is very beautiful. Can you tell me how u make it?
Best regards.