Hike at Engku Busu Hill
Translation – Welcome to Forest hiking trek in Engku Busu Hill
The highest peak around Lumut is Bukit Engku Busu that is about 350m or 1100feet high. Very popular in the morning and evening among hikers, senior citizens and even a training ground for the Navy members.
I do need this to prepare myself for Mount Kinabalu. A fit and regular hiker takes about 25mins to reach the top of the hill wherelse a slow hike will take about 45mins inclusive of stops.
Surprisingly children as young as 6 years old can hike without any problem with the assistance and guidance from adult.
This is Kharsyn (left) and Aleyxia (right) a friend’s daughter. She has been hiking since she is 3y/o. Don’t ask me how she do it. Throughout the hike, Aleyxia has been holding on to Kharsyn and I can tell that she is sure a experience hiker…. and strong too. It’s not easy to hike and holding on to someone but I’m just surprise that she managed to do that. Hey, she is only 10 years old.
A steeper track will need the assistance of a rope to pull yourself up. Get a good hiking shoes which cost roughly RM15.00 (US$4.05) will help alot from slipping.
On and off you will be greeted with sunlight that filtered down through the lush jungle greenery with monkeys or squirrels frolicking all about but unfortunately luck is not on our side that day.

When you see this big rock, it marked the 3/4 we covered on the hill. Will update again on my next trip there as we are able to see the Malaysian Royal Army’s dock.
Chris C said,
June 8, 2006 @ 3:14 pm
Well, being able to make it 3/4 on your 1st trip, is considered good. Even some of the navy trainees were huffing and puffing like mad when i see them 1/2 way up. Yup, the sight of the navy dock will be a welcoming sight…..so let’s do it again….
JC said,
June 8, 2006 @ 4:41 pm
Looks too tough for me.. hahaha 😀
RM15 for a pair of hiking shoes? You’ve got to be kidding.
Fung Keong shoes is it?
shiruikage said,
June 8, 2006 @ 10:38 pm
wahhh, engku busu ah? ehhh….where is it ar? the one in lumut kah?
athena said,
June 9, 2006 @ 3:58 pm
hehe….good pics….the last time i made it up to Ungku Busu was b4 i went Johore…so ..17/18? haha…been a while….
Lil said,
June 11, 2006 @ 9:34 pm
hey, EB with chris!! cool… go girls!!
sila said,
June 14, 2006 @ 1:22 am
fuyoooo looks challenging. how long did it take you to get to the 3/4 point, HQ?
The Snark said,
June 15, 2006 @ 4:33 pm
Funnily enough, I think I was in Lumut the same weekend you were.
R.Veera said,
July 3, 2006 @ 4:08 pm
Hi….so nice hiking Ungku Busu, with my childrens……wowww
V.Archanna said,
July 3, 2006 @ 4:12 pm
I were in Bukit Ungku Busu, Lumut together with my parents, i really fell so nice hiking up the hill……… Hope could get another chance during the school holiday’s…….. bye…..
Malcolm said,
July 6, 2006 @ 9:11 am
When I see those pics, I remember those places. One day I will go there again with friends.