Life without Hubby

2 weeks ago he’s away to North, 1 week ago he’s away to East and this week he’s away to Vietnam. *sigh… Each time when hubby is away for business I’ll get very moody + bad tempered + frown = lonely. It’s ok if the kids behave themselves but when they doesn’t (especially Carlgene) I’ll rather blow my head off with a M16.

A few things that he’s been taking care off when he’s around:
1) Fetch Kharsyn to and fro for Arithmetric class
2) Fetch Kharsyn to and fro for Violin class
3) Make their milk plus washing their milk bottles
4) Get the kids ready for school in the morning. (Yes! I can happily jalloping out the house in the morning. But usually Kharsyn will make sure mummy tied her hair cos she claimed Daddy is not expertise in that field.)
5) Do the dishes
6) Clean/picking up the toys on the floor

Not only he will help me with the chores but having an extra hand really help especially when you had a baby at home. For example when baby wants to be carried, I can’t even relieve myself. At one time, I have to placed the baby on my lap while I finish doing my business. That is awful!!!

Last night is something that I’ve not done for many many years. Waking up in the middle of the night by a crying baby. All this while, I’ll just have to nudge hubby and he will take care of situation from there. Now that hubby is away, I do missed him lots!!! *snif, snif… Especially when he’s away for the 3 whole freaking weeks something that is difficult for me to endure. (For me it is!)

I can’t wait till Saturday to see him at the front gate.  Left hand holding a luggage, right arm stretching out waiting for a big  bear hug from kiddos.  And me, greedily rummaging thru  all the goodies he bought for me from Vietnam….. *BiG GrIn!!!!!

8 Hijackers »

  1. athena said,

    May 5, 2006 @ 3:43 pm

    hehe…rindu kat suami yea….:)

  2. sila said,

    May 6, 2006 @ 3:05 am

    jessie – 3 weeks is a loooong time, ya? 😀

  3. selena said,

    May 6, 2006 @ 3:17 am

    whaliao HQ sounds like u got him well trained
    go girl! 😀
    ps: make sure u let us know what presents he brought back for u ok? 🙂

    Jessie says: I married him for that ‘talent’ in him. No need to train 😉

  4. YeahRight! said,

    May 6, 2006 @ 4:58 pm

    Looks like hubby does most of the work, most of the time, and all you do is watch with feminist-glee. He’s more a maid than anything else! And, you know it’s true cause when he’s away, you’re like a fish out of water!

    You sure did a good job of conning the poor bloke into buying into all that feminist garbage about shared responsibility when all you women really want is control and power over your man. In other words, you want to be like the man you often bitch about; controlling, powerful, and self-serving.

    Oh, and one more thing, get some English lessons!

    Jessie says:  What I mentioned is only 7 out of 20 things hubby done in the house.  So you tell me who is the ‘maid’ now?  As a husband and wife, there are something called shared responsibility.  By reading your comment, I pity your wife (or even your wife to be if any).  Not only she have to be a maid at home, she even have to be the donkey!

    Is there any terms out there saying that I must have a super ingelish to be a blogger?

  5. JC said,

    May 6, 2006 @ 5:30 pm

    At the airport, I could have swore I heard your hubby said:


  6. Lil said,

    May 7, 2006 @ 6:23 am

    yay, it’s weekend! aren’t you happy he’s back?!!

  7. Allan said,

    May 8, 2006 @ 1:59 pm

    Very similar to those love drama (“,) hehe

  8. Eric said,

    May 23, 2006 @ 2:47 pm

    Hi Jessie, u sounds very much alive and considering u haf 3 kids … VERY MUCH ACTIVE TOO ! Need your help with the rafting trip … is it expensive and how can i try it out … we haf few things in common … I’m having a 5 yrs old “prince”, I am 13 handicapper, ex-beach bum, scuba diver and my wife … she only scuba dive and Wah Lai Toi Only. If you are planning for another round of rafting, plse let me know yah!!?? Appreciate and thanks in advance!

    Jessie says:  Dem lucky wife.  I don’t even have time for Wah Lai Toi.  (*envy! envy!)

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