Did you know…..
Next month on Thursday 4th May, 2006, at two minutes and three seconds after 1 o’clock the time and date will be exactly:
01:02:03 04/05/06
This will never happen again
You will think that my entry today is very boh liao. Dunno what to blog about today. I’ve got few food pics in my Sonyericsson W800i yet to be download. All I can say is Proscinate procrastinate rulezzzzz. I love my ability to proscinate procrastinate and still get things done even if they are lousy. lalalalala…
JC said,
April 27, 2006 @ 3:11 pm
Wah.. like dat also can ah?
kimmysia said,
April 27, 2006 @ 4:30 pm
come on.. i’m sure there’s lots that you can brag about.
try to dig back into your old photos, books, journals, diaries….:o)
btw, i did search on “proscinate” and found it relates a lot to “prostate”. Do you really mean that? Check this out → http://www.google.com.my/search?hl=en&q=proscinate
Jessie says: I saw that too but all i can say is procrastinate rulezzzz!lol Dem lazy to look up in the dictionary la. Anyway, amended liao.
Hisham said,
April 27, 2006 @ 8:27 pm
mmmm…. prostate.
sila said,
April 28, 2006 @ 4:20 am
what do you plan to do on 01:02:03 04/05/06? something memorable? 😉
Jessie says: I’ll take a quick lunch and be back in the office real quick. Get ready my camera and snap!!! haha
ghostie said,
April 28, 2006 @ 10:38 am
01:02:03 04/05/06 – morning or lunch time ar…
if we do not follow the 24 hours system, then the time will occur twice on that day
betul tak.. or coffee is not ‘kau’ enough this morning…
Jessie says: Yup, that’s true. That is why i choose lunch time to capture the memorable hour of the day. rofl
daboss said,
April 28, 2006 @ 1:36 pm
very uh liao leh… i didn’t know this until i read your blog entry…