New Menu in McDonald
Hop over italk2much. has got a good review. At least he did not get a boot or a fish for not updating his blog!!! That is why I have to nagged at him (*grrrr…..) whenever he stop blogging. Now, lift your heavy arse and do something!
*slurppppp….. 8/10. I’ll throw in one more point if it is sour. Too bad it is not.
*slurppppppppp……* *licking the monitor*
I’ll give this 8/10 too. Tasted more like a rasberry to me.
*glup-slurp*, *munch-crunch*, *play-play:?:*
10 Full points!!!! At least I don’t have to add in extra calories from the fries.
I love the Happy Meal’s new concept of pick and mix. Basically there are 3 steps.
- You choose your choice of main meal i.e. Chicken drumstick or nuggets or chicken/beef/cheese burger (price differ from what you choose)
- You choose between french fries or buttered corn. (I’ll definetly go for the corn as it is more healthy and lower calories than the french fries.)
- Standard price will be a carbonated drink. But if you opt for a healthier drink, you have to top-up another RM1 (US$0.27) to choose between a Ribena (very sweet :roll:), soya bean milk or milo.
- And of course the toy!!! (This time round they have a choice of toy for the girls and boys. At least, the boy do not have to bring home a Hello Kitty! My Prince called it Sissy :!:)
This burger does look good but I was swearing night and day after eating this. (*Disclaimer – tastebud varied from individual. I might not like it doesn’t mean you will not like it too.*) Firstly, on the menu or even the name, it doesn’t even mentioned that it is spicy. You see, I have a weird tastebud and a sensitive stomach. I can’t take chili sauce, but pepper or black pepper or even curry is ok. To cut long story short, after finished the whole burger, my stomach was so spicy and had the burning sensation in it. But nothing worst than a heartburn (phew…). And this morning I have to pulled over the highway to poo’ed. Can you imagine how spicy can my arse be? So spicy that i can’t even sit after that. Geee… don’t mean to make a big hoo-haa over a burger but I curse and swear not to order that burger again! I give this 5/10. Hmm… maybe minus one point to compensate my spicy arse. That will be 4/10, but it is worth giving it a try.
Do check out other cool merchandise from McD here.