Strawberry Overdose

Short Talk: Yesterday, I bring along my 4 years old to enrolled for ballet lesson.  Told the teacher I am enrolling my 9 and 4 years old daughters.  She look at me and said, “… but you look so young!” I know, dem perasan right?  Make my tail stand and whistle like the Kettlebell.  Woot!

Back to Cameron Highland post.  Last May when we was in Cameron Highlands, we didn’t know strawberry was a seasonal fruits.  Since all the strawberry hasn’t ripe yet, there is none for us to hand pick.  But this time round,  Strawberry was everywhere.  This is how the charges like.  Two person is allocated to one basket and you must pluck at least half kilo of strawberry.  A line was indicated on the basket to roughly tell you the weight.  Half a kilo of strawberry is RM20.00.  I saw somewhere selling pre-packed strawberry at RM12.00. ( >.< Just close one eye).  Prices could varied from farm to farm.  We don’t want to waste time stopping at every farm comparing prices.  Most of all, we was doing this all for blogging fun and experience.

We took 2 baskets.  Dotter and Son one basket and my Sister and me another basket.  I sneaked Little Missy when the guy was not watching.  Sheeshh….

Dotter and Son happily and excitedly dash off harvesting their crops.  I have to remind them to “CUT ONLY THE RED ONES!!!”.  My Sister and Little Missy paired up so that leaves me all the time I have to be a photographer.  The two team was going their separate way so you can imagine how I ran the whole place like a mad girl.  No good.  After a while when I look into their baskets, I goes, “CUT ONLY THE DARK RED ONES! NOT THE LIGHT RED!!!!” LOL

This is my favourite shot.

Next post will have more farming involved.   Stay tune.

4 Hijackers »

  1. arlene said,

    July 23, 2009 @ 2:33 pm

    Hud envy only pics so nice! Farm look familiar izzit near tat cactus land farm?

  2. wen said,

    July 23, 2009 @ 4:57 pm

    its also my fav shot too!!!

  3. jo ee said,

    July 23, 2009 @ 11:59 pm

    hi. i just read your blog about kenko diet plum.. do still consuming it? where can i get it?
    i need them!

  4. Jess said,

    July 24, 2009 @ 4:42 pm

    last shoot really nice!!

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