Bento Mania #31

One of the weekend ago, I stormed up a big pot of bolognese gravy. I have half of the gravy frozen and the other half we had for lunch. The next day I just need to heat up the frozen gravy for the bento.

Top 2 bento is for Prince and Princess. They had organic alphabet macaroni, skewed edamame and sausages and champagne grapes. Bottom left is my bento (Daddy’s bento not in picture) I do feel a bit uneasy in case I was caught eating kids food aka the alphabet macaroni.

Close-up on the organic alphabet macaroni. Notice the colours tend to fade after cooking cos they are made from food colourings like spinach (green), carrot (orange) and red (beetroot).

I had spaghetti instead and lots of basil since the kids doesn’t like vege. That is a bonus! I hearts basil and have a big plant in my garden. Daddy had the same thing as mine but in a different container. Bottom right is Baby Princess’s bento. She doesn’t like adult food so I replace them with biscuits.

5 Hijackers »

  1. aj7 said,

    August 15, 2008 @ 2:37 pm

    v nice… and looks really appetizing. Your bento(s) always look very inviting lah…

  2. sue said,

    August 15, 2008 @ 3:19 pm

    Very nice. You just reminded me, I have to get my hands on some champagne grapes!

  3. Jesslyn said,

    August 15, 2008 @ 5:25 pm

    how come my place hard to find mini grape ar….aiyo so tempting to bite it!

  4. allthingspurple said,

    August 15, 2008 @ 7:22 pm

    love everything in there. That’s stuff that my kids definitely would want to eat.

  5. fashionasia said,

    August 16, 2008 @ 2:16 am

    how cute! where can i find this alphabet macaroni??!! i wanna make some alphabet soup i haven’t ate for yearsssssss…..

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