Hard Stuff that knock you off overnight!

flab·ber·gast (flăbər-găst)
tr.v., -gast·ed, -gast·ing, -gasts.

To cause to be overcome with astonishment; astound. See synonyms at surprise.

Last week I received a call from Jimbo and says he’s heading back to KL from Johore with Alkapocino with a package for ME! I was flabbergasted! What more when he said it is from Happyghost. Wah!

Yeah, Ghostie mentioned many times to me that he has reserved 2 bottles of wine for me. That was almost a year ago. Just that, whenever he’s in KL for a business trip, his boss will be with him thus make us quite inconvenience to meet up.

Awww…. isn’t that dog cute???As you know, I’m a sucker for cute stuff. So aint gonna sacrifice the Shadow’s run.

And this two bottles of red wine was added to my collection of wines!

Note: These are just part of my wine collections. I have more in the cellar ;). The best part is….. I can’t drink. Just a little. sheesh…..

Thanks Ghostie for the red wines.  And not forgetting JC being the DHL guy all the way from JB and Alkapocino the UPs guy all the way from DP. *muaks!


Oh ya! Talking about wine collections, I am also a hard liquor collector.

As you can see, I am running out of space for display and all those liquor is sandwitch in the small display cabinet thus making them look not so outstanding. I’ll have to think of what to do next.

9 Hijackers »

  1. Cynthia said,

    July 11, 2006 @ 12:37 pm

    run out of space? heheh.. i have plenty of room in my pantry and stomach! =)

    The Queen  says:  Pantry can.  But stomach – NO!!!! 🙂

  2. JC said,

    July 11, 2006 @ 3:15 pm

    Cannot drink eh? This forum party, we add some vodka to your orange juice…

  3. kamkuey said,

    July 11, 2006 @ 5:15 pm

    Eh… I can help you drink them all!!! MUAHAHAHA…
    Or can bring

  4. Lil said,

    July 12, 2006 @ 1:45 am

    hmm… you’ve got E&J Gallo in red and in white, i’ll get you a rose next time!

  5. sila said,

    July 12, 2006 @ 4:21 am

    the bottles are pretty.. 😀 hehehehe

  6. ghostie said,

    July 18, 2006 @ 9:58 am

    Banyaknya…. liquer………
    Slurp……………. Royal Salute pun ada….
    Jang, where is your house ar…
    Can come for a sip or two????

    The Queen says:  Wah, very observant hor.  All those liquer can see but cannot touch!!! 

  7. Arth said,

    July 18, 2006 @ 3:58 pm

    okay, if i happen to drop by one day.I wanna stay at your place. Maybe i can have a sip of everything lol

  8. earl-ku said,

    August 1, 2006 @ 12:48 pm

    haha – i’m not greedy wan, only wan the chivas 18 years … can ar?

    The Queen says:  Can!  Cash on delivery ya? 

  9. Alkapocino said,

    November 14, 2006 @ 2:41 am

    Hey, when can we poped the wines??

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