*Alcohol are Evil

You probably ask yourself, what is there in the alcohol that they drank? I would say, “EVIL”. Not only they are harmful to your body, when you are drunk, you tend to turn violent upsetting your love ones. Some even meet with fatalities like road accidents and even suicide.

Alcohol is a substitute inability to cope with problem in life. But remember, you are once a non-drink. Probably you start off as a casual drinker and excessive of drinking will turn oneself into addiction. Think for yourself the consequences as a alcoholic. It does more harm than good. If you are serious to kick the addiction and don’t know how, why not try signing up at a alcohol rehabs centre. With their many years of experience, understanding therapist and comfortable environment, I’m sure you will walk out the centre feeling rejuvenate from the evil than hindered you.

1 Hijacker Only? »

  1. Janet said,

    April 8, 2008 @ 10:04 pm

    Drink but don’t drunk. But somehow we cannot control ourself and endup we drunk.
    Alcohol = killer

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